Below are the instructions for the submission of the camera-ready for SBSI 2016 accepted papers. It is necessary to prepare the camera-ready according to the ACM template, that was adapted to the SBSI 2016 (it is available in the following). There are Microsoft Word and Latex template versions for papers written in Portuguese and written in English.

Attached are the files that need to be made available for each accepted paper:

1. Paper
Latex template adapted to SBSI: Portuguese / English
.doc Template: Portuguese / English
2. SBC Copyright: Portuguese

Instructions for the submission of camera-ready papers are the following:

1) Camera-ready papers must be prepared by using one of the two valid templates (Latex, or Microsoft Word );

2) It is also necessary to complete and send the SBC copyright. It must be sent IN PDF FORMAT TOGETHER WITH THE FINAL SOURCE FILES. All the files must be submitted through JEMS system;

3) Some tips for Latex:
– There are templates specially designed for authors of papers written in Portuguese, and for authors of papers written in English. Be sure you are using the correct one;
– Copyright information are inserted automatically when you compile your Latex document, as they were already configured at the CLS file that comes together with the template;
– Papers written in Portuguese MUST have title, abstract and keywords also in English. For the title in English, use the \subtitle initiating the text by Alternative Title; use \begin{resumo} and \end{resumo} for abstracts in Portuguese. The rest of the text remains the same (Categories, Keywords, Abstract, and Terms). Copyright information is in the CLS stylesheet file. It is not necessary to change it;
– Use the suitable template (English or Portuguese). Do not forget to send the paper file in PDF format, the copyright, and all the SOURCE FILES (NOT THE SOURCE CODE FILES, BUT, INSTEAD, THE .TEX, .BIB, .CLS, and all the other necessary files – figures, etc.) that are part of the paper content;
– The “babel” package, if used, translates words like Figure, Table, and References to papers written in Portuguese.

4) It is necessary to inform the general terms as well as the categories for your paper, according to the categories available at